Victoria Excavation Company: How to Ensure Your Project Goes Smoothly

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As with any project, it is important that you plan ahead and prepare so that things can progress smoothly. In an excavation project, it is extra important to strategize to ensure that tasks get completed on time and on budget. Excavation typically marks the beginning of a new construction project, so it is crucial that all goes well. In this article, we are going to share some of our top strategies on how to make sure that your excavation project goes to plan. From managing your time to choosing the right team, our Victoria excavation company covers it all. Follow along below to learn more!

Excavation Tips From Your Victoria Excavation Company

  • Time Management

Time management is essential in any project. However, this is especially true when it comes to excavation. It is a known fact that construction projects often finish later than originally scheduled. However, you can help keep things moving by communicating your wants and needs clearly and making sure that people remain accountable. Knowing what’s needed at each step will help you to stay on top of things and plan around inevitable delays.

  • Have a Plan

Before you start your project, it is crucial that you come up with a detailed plan. You should have everything planned out meticulously so that nobody is confused about what is getting done. A good plan will also help you communicate with your clients about how things are progressing and when you expect certain benchmarks to be completed. Within your plan, you should include items like when materials will be delivered when equipment needs to be onsite, what workers need to be scheduled when etc. Going into a new project without a plan is a recipe for disaster. So, be sure to formulate a guide prior to breaking ground. 

  • Communication

Good communication can make or break a project. Staying in constant communication will ensure that no one is left in the dark. The last thing you want as a contractor is workers not knowing what they are supposed to be doing. This can cause delays, mistakes, and confusion from your team. Before you begin the day, make sure that everyone knows what their duties are. This will help ensure maximal efficiency. After all, communication is one of the most powerful tools you can wield. 


More Strategies for Success!

  • Be Mindful of Your Budget

Staying on budget is key when it comes to keeping your clients happy. Nobody likes to hear that they owe more than what was originally estimated. If you know that you are going to come in over budget, be sure to let your clients know ahead of time. Otherwise, make sure that you are constantly checking the financial status of the project. Blindly hoping that your team comes in on budget is a bad idea and will rarely give the results you need. Make sure that you are documenting how much is being spent so that all goes well when it comes time for the clients to pay.

  • Have a Good Team

A good team is essential for a successful excavation project. You want to make sure that the workers you are hiring are reliable and skilled at what they do. Choosing people who are dishonest and notoriously inconsistent will cause issues for you, the clients, and the other team members. Not to mention, the amount of effort, time, and money that can go into making up for poor workers. When choosing your team, be sure to vet each candidate. 

  • Know Your Jobsite

Lastly, a successful excavation project requires that you know the ins and outs of your job site. For example, you will need to be familiar with the location of gas, water, cable and power lines. You’ll also want to know the condition of the ground (Is it rocky? Will blasting be needed? What is the soil made up of?). In addition, you’ll need to plan out entry and exit points. Having this information will ensure that you avoid delays and keep workers safe. Before you start digging, make sure you’ve taken the time to get familiar with the site. 

Contact us Today

For more information on how to ensure that your excavation project goes to plan, contact our Victoria excavation company today! If you are not sure what services you require for your next project, reach out to one of our experienced team members. We’d be happy to give you a quote on your project and determine what services you’ll need. At SWIPE we have several years of experience dealing with demolition, excavation and asbestos/mould removal. If you have any questions regarding our services, feel free to reach out. We look forward to working with you in the near future.