FAQ on Asbestos

Do you have a question about asbestos in your commercial office space in BC? If so, send it in to us and we will do our best to provide you with a comprehensive answer. Read along to see if the answer to your question is below. Contact us for a comprehensive asbestos test for your business today!

How can I identify asbestos in my commercial space in BC?

While some asbestos can be identified through a visual inspection it is sometimes not that easy to identify. Since asbestos was often used as an additive in construction materials in the mid 20th century it can be present but invisible. A good rule of thumb is that if your building, home or office is older than 50 years, get an asbestos abatement expert to take a look for you! Call Swipe today for more information.

Will my health be affected if I work in an office that contains asbestos?

Only if asbestos is being or has been previously distrubed. The fibers are what make asbestos deadly. If your office has asbestos that has never been disturbed due to renovation, then it is highly unlikely that you will be subjected to asbestos related disease.

I know my BC office building contains asbestos. What should I do?

First of all don’t panic. Second, give us a call for an inspection. Asbestos is only harmful to humans when the fibres have been disturbed and become airborne and then breathed into the lungs. That’s why it was particularly harmful to construction workers who worked with asbestos regularly. If you jostle, move and damage asbestos containing materials, then fibres can be released and become harmful. This is why if you suspect that your building contains asbestos you will want to learn exactly where it is for future safety.

Can you provide a list of asbestos containing products and materials?

Comprehensive lists can be found online. However we impress upon our customers that asbestos can be lurking in places that you can’t see. That’s why if your building was constructed during the middle of the 20th century or before then call an expert commercial asbestos abatement company.

Here is a list of some applications where asbestos can be found:

Adhesives, HVAC Ducting, Electrical, Plumbing, Concrete, Fireproofing, Insulation, Plastics, Christmas Decorations, Makeup (especially those containing talc)

What symptoms are common if I have breathed in asbestos?

Common symptoms that you might experience if you have asbestos related exposure are: coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, extreme fatigue and pain in your chest or shoulder. Very advanced cases may present with extremely swollen fingertips.

How long does it take for symptoms to become present if I have been exposed to airborne asbestos fibres?

Asbestos exposure can lead to long term health detriments. Experts suggest that asbestos related diseases can take anywhere from 10-40 years to present themselves. Disease can range from mesothelioma, a deadly lung cancer and pleural thickening of the lungs.

How long does it take for symptoms to become present if I have been exposed to airborne asbestos fibres?

Asbestos exposure can lead to long term health detriments. Experts suggest that asbestos related diseases can take anywhere from 10-40 years to present themselves. Disease can range from mesothelioma, a deadly lung cancer and pleural thickening of the lungs.

Can asbestos fibres also affect my dog or cat?

If asbestos fibres are breathed into your animals lungs then it can unfortunately impact them in the same way as a human.