Swipe Contracting is a Vernon air quality services company. We assist home and business owners with the air they breathe in their homes. Vernon has a lot of homes that were constructed around the World War II era. These homes were likely constructed with the use of asbestos. Asbestos is a harmful fibre that can be accidentally inhaled to your lungs and can cause significant damage. Swipe Contracting handles asbestos abatement in the Vernon area. We can help you to safely remove any asbestos from your home or business. It’s important that if you suspect asbestos that you call an expert to have it safely removed.
Another common substance found in homes of all ages is mold. There are various types of mold that exist. While mold itself can be harmless, the spores that some molds release can be harmful to some people. If you or members of your family are constantly suffering from allergy type symptoms after you’ve spent a good chunk of time at home then you might consider mold as the culprit. Swipe Contracting can perform a mold test in your Vernon home. This will tell us if mold is present so that we can remedy the situation and improve your family’s health.

Swipe Contracting is pleased to offer excavation and demolition services to Vernon customers. Our excavation and demolition team operate safely and efficiently. With over 15 years experience in the Interior of BC we know our dirt! Moving the earth efficiently and sticking to a timeline requires expert handling and know-how. The team at Swipe emphasizes safety on every job site. We want to ensure that no accidents occur to derail your project. That’s why we always perform a detailed site inspection. Site inspections allow us to document any concerns and formulate a proper plan that works with the terrain.
If a demolition is required then Swipe will meet with you and any other key personnel before we begin. The job is carefully reviewed and planned in order for maximum safety and effectiveness. Swipe Contracting can assist with all levels of project management for your heavy equipment requirements on site. Read more about our excavation company in Vernon below!

Mold in your Vernon home can be responsible for making you sick. Spores released from various types of mold can negatively impact your health. A range of symptoms which closely mimic allergy symptoms can be presented. Everything from runny, stuffy noses to trouble catching your breath can become apparent. These pesky symptoms are often alleviated when the sufferer moves locations. They can also be lessened when the windows and doors are opened to the problem location.
If you suspect that you have a mold problem in your Vernon home then you should consider our services. We can pinpoint where the mold has acquired, as well as safely remove and repair the affected areas.

We have seen the need increase for asbestos abatement services in Vernon ever since asbestos was determined to be a known carcinogen. This occurred in Canada around the year 1979. However it is still common to find asbestos in products that were made as recently as the 1990’s. Stockpiles of asbestos containing products still exist to this day even in obscure items like brake pads for your vehicle. Asbestos is nothing to mess around with. It can lead to major lung diseases and conditions that can be painful. People who suffer from the deadly lung cancer Mesothelioma brought on by asbestos exposure liken the disease to slowly drowning to death.
When asbestos fibres are breathed into the lungs they react in a deadly fashion. Symptoms are generally latent anywhere between 10-40 years. Since you can’t feel anything when you breathe in the fibers you really never know if asbestos is going to rear its head negatively in the future. That’s why it’s so important to use your best judgment and call an expert to handle your asbestos abatement in Vernon.
Breathe deep Vernon – Swipe is on the way!

Whatever your excavation needs are in Vernon you will want to work with the best company. The team at Swipe Contracting can help you produce fantastic results on your next big job. Our excavation operators are trained and up to date with the latest training and safety procedures. This is great news for any job that requires an eye for detail and where safety is paramount.
Swipe Contracting has the right heavy equipment for your next excavation project in Vernon too! Our equipment is maintained to a high standard and routinely inspected. Coupled with our team of operation experts and project managers and your excavation job is off to a great start! Contact us today for more information.

The Swipe demolition company in Vernon wants to help you tear down the old to make room for the new! Contact us today and inquire about our competitive demolition rates in the Vernon area. Our team of skilled operators can help you with all aspects of demolition services. From the first initial site visit to the hauling of any hazardous materials. With a lot of planning we can make your project seem like a cake walk!
The demolition team at Swipe is very skilled with over 15 years of experience. We can quote on a range of projects from very simple and straightforward to complex. When you hire Swipe you can be sure that you are hiring expert knowledge in the demolition industry. Contact our Vernon demolition company today if you have any questions!
We provide a FREE estimate for demolition or excavation services in Vernon!